Craig & Craig: Donald Craig, George Craig and Ed Craig

Our legacy since 1868
In May 1868 James W Craig established the law firm Craig and Craig with his brother Isaac B Craig in Mattoon, Illinois, USA, located in the same legal precinct where Abraham Lincoln had practiced law less than a decade before.
Craig and Craig is said to be the oldest continuous law firm practising from the same location in the United States. Five generations of lawyers, counsel and judges later the law is still about service, relationship and results rather than time costing or billable units. The work has changed but the values and quality remain.

Our Mission
To our clients we are trusted advisers. We are lawyers who create practical solutions.
Craig Law is a well established law firm with over 35 years experience offering clients a personalised legal advice across a wide range of legal disciplines drawing on a wealth of knowledge gained through years of practice. Craig Law is a modern boutique law firm who offer personal service to every client - you will always deal with the same legal team.

Proud History
Although proud of its history Craig Law is also a dynamic and high performing legal firm with advanced interpersonal communication skills advising clients from all walks of life on a wide range of legal matters. Providing legal services to individuals, businesses and corporations.
Craig Law offers its clients strong analytical and problem-solving capabilities with consistently balanced and reliable set of legal hands.